Making a cup of tea then off to bake biscuits for the girls at work to keep them quiet for a while! Yes girls i am actual making them so beware tomorrrow and look forward to my nice peanut butter cookies ( with extra large peanuts) and if you are lucky John i might make you some ginger nuts. P.S Don't work to hard today!
Peanut butter mixture in the fridge for half an hour so on the with ginger nuts!
Yum Yum the first batch of peanut butter cookies and they smell and taste delicious, will they make into work?
Its 2pm and i have finished my baking day i have made two lots of peanut butter cookies and one batch of ginger nuts and have tried an almond cake which i have not made before so we will have to see what it is like. So have an hour left to do my Avon order, only thing not done so far is the ironing, oh well not to worry it will be there for another day.
All i have to do now is to make sure that i remember to take the tins of biscuits into work!
A very good productive day and i have made lots of very edible biscuits x
Look yummy Nicky!