Monday, 17 January 2011

17th January 2011

Another wet and dull morning, why does it aways rain in the mornings! The kids get so wet walking to school. The traffic was a nightmare getting into Wycombe this morning it took me nearly 45 minutes to get to work, so late again sorry John.

Feeling very positive today, had a good weekend and feel that is time to get on track with my endless fight with trying to lose weight and getter fitter. With a little help from Alfie who said yesterday ' Mum when are you starting your getting fit program' as i said to him the other day how important it is for him to keep up his sports, so i guess i should take a leaf from my own advise to Alfie! (I can do it i must keep telling myself)
Had a junk email today, i do wonder how people get your email address, but it was very interesting see link:

Sitting at work and wishing myself into the beautiful picture which is on our calender for Jan it,s a place called Balmaha in Loch Lomand, Scotland.

My desk calender has got a very unusal shoe for today it is a Suede laser-cut "Simple Brook" bootie with a stingray heel, as descrided by Workman Publishing, New York 2009. I guess i could wear them but where would i wear them too?

I promised the girls at work i would make them some peanut butter cookies for them today but i didn,t remember until last night at 9 when i looked in the cupboard for something and saw the jar of nearly empty chunky peanut butter, so this is my first job of the day tomorrow after going shopping for the ingredients! (Sorry Girls) Interesting link on the BBC News website today saying how many mothers are under so much pressure to appear like perfect parents that they cover up how much television their children watch or what they cook their families, according to a survey. I agree you do feel that you are failing as parents sometimes as your child may play on their DS's a bit longer than you would like or that they ask for the same thing to eat over and over again.

Just a message from my brother Dan, saying that he had read my blog and didn't realise how interesting his sisters life is, ha ha Dan, just read and learn! xxxxx

The kids went to Harry's 2nd Birthday party after school, they had a fun evening with lots of games and dancing.

Just made a list of the things i need to do tomorrow :
Shopping, bake biscuits, ironing, sort avon out, hoovering and go for a walk! Lets see how many i can manage?

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