Friday, 14 January 2011

15th January 2011

Saturday morning! Will Alfie be in a good mood, will we get him some football boots and will Polly get up in time to go to Stagecoach?

Alfie did come home in a good mood and he did get a pair of football boots ready for his game in the morning if it takes place due to the weather. Alfie stayed in a good mood all day and has been very good.   Polly woke up at 7.15, which is so typical as in the week she has been struggling to get up to get ready for school, then come Saturday she is awake and up watching the tv in Alfie's bedroom, i will never understand this childs sleep pattern !

So Polly got to stagecoach on time, this starts at 9.30 until 11 and they do singing, drama and dancing which is great for her as these are all the things she loves to do. In Sept hopefully she will go up to the next class as she will be 6 years old on the 1st Sept, and this will give her 3 hours on a Saturday morning doing an hour of each with the older children which will suit her down to the ground as she loves the company of older girls.

Visited Debbie, Charlotte and Jessica today which was great to catch up and i saw deb's lovely wedding photo, she looked beautiful in her stunning dress and the girls looked lovely to, it looked like they all had a great day, it was just a shame we could not join them on there special day.

Did a bit of shopping in Wycombe and came back to Chinnor and did more visiting as it is Richards birthday today so off we went armed with a card and a bottle of whiskey which i will probable get told off for buying him from louise but never mind, Happy Birthday have a drink on me!

Had a good day all round today, kids are in bed and i am just finishing off a bottle of wine, but having to share it with Phil. I must stop drinking but it tastes so nice, so sod it lets just have another glass, my liver should be used to it by now, i will give my liver a detox in the week and drink plenty of water ready for next weekend!

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