Friday, 14 January 2011

12th January 2011

Wednesday and work again today. I know i should not moan as i only work three days a week, then i have two days at home house working which do i perfer i ask myself! I do enjoy going to work as it gives me life outside of being a mother and housework, when i can be bothered to do it that is.

What is my work that i do three days a week, well i work at a Furniture Manufacturing company in High Wycombe. I started there on the 8th Decemder 1997 as a full time accounts assistant. I have been part time since i had Alfie then went back three days a week. I then had Polly and only went back two days a week but now that Polly is at school, i have gone back three days again which i think is a nice split between work and home.

I used to hate school could not leave quick enough at 16, but I went back to college one day a week and did a BTEC in Business & Finance, then AAT which is an accountancy course which made me part quailfied, i then started studing for the next step to become a Fully Qualified Accountant in CIMA, but due to me having Alfie i stopped after two years due to lack of time. I know people do do studing and look after a child but that was not for me, not strong enough! So thats it really i work three days a week doing the accounts plus many other varied jobs, which i really enjoy as it is all different and new challegenes for me.

At christmas the accounts department always have a secert santa present we all pick out of a hat in November time who we have to buy for, this year i had Chris which i think is the hardest person to buy for in the office (sorry chris but you are), anyway my present was a shoe calender and a neckless and a new pink mug for work which mentions something about shopping. These presents are very good as i like necklesses and i needed a new cup as the one i had been using had a chip on it and the shoe calender is great as i have a little shoe and boot fettish. Each day there is a new shoe with a description and date of when the show was on sale. The one for today was a little way out, not sure my type! What do you think?

Enough about work, its good to back in to a routine i know that sounds sad but it is, back at work, kids back at school with all there afterschool clubs, beavers, swimming and dancing which keeps them entertained for a bit longer after school finishes. Alfie has Beavers on a wednesday which he enjoys but he has come home with some homework tonight, they have to write a short prayer of thanksgiving which they will have to read to the rest of the group. We must help him do that or it will get forgotten about and it will be the night before, which is what happens in this house. That is one thing i must get better on making sure that Alfie does his home work for school, which is never easy. I never liked speaking out in front of people at school i hope Alfie is not the same, but he is a little shy like i used to be which does not help.

Well it is 10.30 and i am still up doing this Blog which is unlike me as i am normally in bed by now, how sad am i for a 37 year old!

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