Its Friday and my day off to sort out the house, but first i need not sort out our mortgage, changing it from Bank of Ireland to First Direct. Why are things never easy and straight forward. The Bank of Ireland are being a pain staying my closure fee of £195 is going to take 10 days to clear but i paid it last Friday via my bank, i give up i just want it sorted. They said that it should be ok to complete on Monday it better be as getting fed up with it now but we will just have to wait and see!
Had a very productive morning tidied the house and got my house keeper to do my ironing! My house keeper is my 79 year old nan who pops down on a Friday for something to do and for some company.
I hate ironing but she said that she would do it as she enjoys ironing. Doing things like this makes her feel useful, so off she goes ironing away, but all she keeps saying is 'am i doing this right' i am not that fussy when it comes to ironing as long as it looks better than it did when it came out of the airing cupboard then its good to go for me and the kids, but phil's shirts might need alittle more ironing for phil's standards. Thank you very much nanny buck you have been a great help. Dont worry i have feed and watered her so she is very content, we are just watching cash in the attic before going to pick up the kids from school at 3pm.
Took Polly to Miss Denise's dance class which she has been going to since she was 3 years old and she love's it, she goes with Isla her cousin which is good as Isla goes to St Andrews school so it is nice that they can see each other every friday afterschool and have an interest that they can enjoy together. When i was polly's age or maybe a little older at christmas we always used to have a family christmas party and us children always used to sing a song and we all used to dress up play games and have lots of fun. One year me and my cousin Rachel sang 'i,m a little teapot' with actions of course (do you remember that Rachel) we were so sweet in them days what happened to us? ha ha only joking.
Alfie staying at nan and gramps again tonight lets hope he comes home tomorrow in a better mood than last saturday, as we need to take him shopping for more football boots as he say's the ones he has now are rubbing him but i am sure that i only brought them for him in Sept, so what is going on,this is going to cost us a fortune!
This day is coming to an end and we are sitting watching 'The Time Travellers Wife' which is so far a very good film, if you haven't seen it, its one to watch! Enjoying a nice bottle of Pinot Gringio or two, or three, no not really i will stop at two promise!
Nice evening and made lots of very exciting plans! xx
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